
Required weekly zoom meeting and Ex due will be on Thursday 9:30 am.

Post your intro video on FlipGrid by Tues midnight and post at least 3 comments under other classmates’ video by Wed midnight.

3D Forms

Overall Concepts
: RC, show help
: default light and camera
: destructive vs non destructive way to modeling
n+b gourd shading(lines), display menu
: hierarchy
Ctrl B, Render setting, Effect, Ambient Occlusion/Global Illumination

Get to know the interface
: Top R, Layout
: pan / zoom / orbit – 1-3 keys + click and drag, Alt + RML mouse
cmd + shift + z, multiple undo
: Top Green circle – visible in editor
: Bottom Green circle – visible in renderer
: Checkbox – visible in viewport

Useful preferences and setup
cmd + D, Project settings
: Load preset button
: shift v, viewport setting
: HUD, information about the viewport
: Edit, preferences
: Edit, preferences, Unit, Color
: Window, customize, customize commands
: Save incremental, cmd+shift+alt+S

Create a Spheres & Materials
: Create sphere, name FlatPaint, Object, segment 64
: Create a new material
: Create a light
: Render setting, Renderer, Physical
: Physical, Sampler Progressive
: Effect, Global illumination, Samples Low, Irradiance Cache, Record Density Low
: Render, Interactive render region
: Ctrl R, render
: Ctrl drag, duplicate, named Shiny paint
: Create a new material, Reflectance on, Default specular, remove
: Add, Beckman(Chrome look), 50%
: Attenuation, Maximum
: Roughness, 10%
: Layer Fresnel, Fresnel, Conductor
: Ctrl drag, duplicate, named Chrome
: Same material as Shiny paint, Add, Beckman(Chrome look)
: Roughness, 0%
: Ctrl drag, duplicate, named Plastic(Rubber look)
: Same material as Shiny paint, Add, Beckman(Chrome look)
: Roughness, 40%
: Reflection Strength, 40%
: Specular Strength 5%
: Bump Strength, Texture, Noise
: Reflectance, Layer Color
: Ctrl drag, duplicate, named Glass
: Create a new material, Transparency on
: Refraction Preset, Glass
: Reflectance, Type Beckman, Default specular, remove
: Reflection Strength, 10%
: Ctrl drag, duplicate, named Luminance
: Check the Luminance
: Ctrl drag, duplicate, named Gold 
: Reflectance, Default Specular, Type, GGX, Attenuation, Metal
: Roughness 12, Reflection Strength 50, Specular Strength 15,
: Layer Fresnel, Fresnel, Conductor
: Preset, Gold
: RC, Sphere (GI)

: Create a new Material for the floor
: Check Bump, Texture, Noise

: Create lighting and shadow, experiment with different option